Interior Decorating, Furniture Displays, Store & Fixture Design
Horne’s (Macy’s) Front Cover Ad White LivingĀ Room DesignHorne’s (Macy’s) Ad ~ Bedroom Design with Hand Sewn Window Treatments.Horne’s (Macy’s) Ad ~Country Dining Room Design with Hand Painted Floor & Hand Sewn Window Treatments.
Interior Decorating
Nevelwood Living Room DesignNevelwood Bedroom Design & Handcrafted Window TreatmentNevelwood Entry Design with Faux Finished Walls and Hand Crafted Window TreatmentChapel Hill Kitchen Design with Handcrafted Pear Lamp & Hand Painted Floral Art.Chapel Hill Bathroom Design with Hand Painted Wall ArtBathroom Design
Furniture Displays
Horne’s (Macy’s) Log Cabin Display with Faux Painted Logs & StonesHorne’s (Macy’s) Country Bedroom Display with Hand Painted StencilsHorne’s (Macy’s) Armoire Display with Faux Painted WallsHorne’s (Macy’s) Dining Room Display with Faux Painted Walls
Store Design
Horne’s Furniture Store Design, with Hand Painted Walls, Hand Crafted Window Treatments, Floral Arrangements, and Furniture Displays.Yosemite Habitat Green Store Design, with Hand Crafted Fixtures, Hand Painted Floors & Ceilings, Hand Drawn Signs and Visual Merchandising
Fixture Design
Yosemite Glacier Point Counter DesignYosemite Curry Village Gondola DesignYosemite Habitat Green Store Counter Design & HandcraftedYosemite Village Store Plush Fixture Design